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Build a Simple Golang Webhook Service with Postgres Triggers and pg_notify

Context For The Problem

I work on a tool called the Field Tasking Manager (Field-TM) at the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team.

The goal is to coordinate field mapping activities, to both enrich OpenStreetMap data with field verified info, and collect field data for both development and humanitarian contexts.

Underneath, we use two tools from ODK.

Collect is used on mobile devices to send data to the Central server.

However, we need a way to be notified that a user has submitted new data from their phone, triggering an update from ODK Central --> Field-TM.

There are three obvious approaches for this type of behaviour:

  1. Pull via polling: polling of the ODK APIs at an interval (simple, requires no change to ODK, but resource inefficient).
  2. Push/pull via websocket: bi-directional communication, but potentially complex to implement, and requires full development control of both services (requires significant changes to ODK).
  3. Push via webhook: a change in ODK Central triggers a call to a remote API, including POST data (simple and efficient, requiring no persistent connection).

Using a webhook could potentially involve changes to the ODK codebase, but we can work around that - with the solution I will describe below!

There are of course other application communication methods that are out of scope of this article: event driven messaging, Redis pub/sub, gRPC, etc.


Having not previously used the LISTEN / NOTIFY notifications functionality in Postgres, I stumbled across this excellent article by @brojonat, which in turn references this article by @brandur.

They describe a ‘notifier pattern’ for Postgres, where a connection is made to establish a ‘listener’. Events in Postgres (such as a data insert) can be configured to trigger sending a notification to this ‘listener’, including the data that was inserted, or other data in the database.


image credit to @brandur’s post linked above.

This sounds perfect for a webhook service!

It could be achieved like this:

Ideally we could deploy this small service alongside ODK Central, scanning the Postgres database and triggering when new submission are made.

This would mean no changes are required to the codebase of the application we develop the webhook for - making this a performant, but non-intrusive method of implementing via middleware.

Why Golang?

I would say that I am far from proficient in Golang at this point, with Python being my preferred backend language.

Python has the excellent psycopg library for interfacing with Postgres, and has some great documentation for how to use LISTEN / NOTIFY in Python.

However, as a language, Golang has many advantages for this type of project:

Alternative Approaches

It should be noted there are alternative approaches to achieve the goals, which may or may not be better depending on your requirements.

Three notable examples:

The Implementation

Right, now let’s dig into the code.

I won’t replicate much here, as it’s all available on the linked code repo, but will attempt to explain how the tool works.


db/listener.go db/notifier.go


	js jsonb;
	action_type text;
	result_data jsonb;
	-- Serialize the NEW row into JSONB
	SELECT to_jsonb(NEW.*) INTO js;

	-- Add the DML action (INSERT/UPDATE)
	js := jsonb_set(js, '{dml_action}', to_jsonb(TG_OP));

	-- Extract the action type from the NEW row
	action_type := NEW.action;

	-- Handle different action types with a CASE statement
	CASE action_type
		WHEN 'entity.update.version' THEN
			INTO result_data
			FROM entity_defs
			WHERE = (NEW.details->>'entityDefId')::int;

			-- Merge the entity details into the JSON data key
			js := jsonb_set(js, '{data}', result_data, true);

			-- Notify the odk-events queue
			PERFORM pg_notify('odk-events', js::text);

		WHEN 'submission.create' THEN
			SELECT jsonb_build_object('xml', submission_defs.xml)
			INTO result_data
			FROM submission_defs
			WHERE = (NEW.details->>'submissionDefId')::int;

			-- Merge the submission XML into the JSON data key
			js := jsonb_set(js, '{data}', result_data, true);

			-- Notify the odk-events queue
			PERFORM pg_notify('odk-events', js::text);

		WHEN 'submission.update' THEN
			SELECT jsonb_build_object('instanceId', submission_defs."instanceId")
			INTO result_data
			FROM submission_defs
			WHERE = (NEW.details->>'submissionDefId')::int;

			-- Extract 'reviewState' from 'details' and set it in 'data'
			js := jsonb_set(js, '{data}', jsonb_build_object('reviewState', js->'details'->>'reviewState'), true);

			-- Remove 'reviewState' from 'details'
			js := jsonb_set(js, '{details}', (js->'details')::jsonb - 'reviewState', true);

			-- Merge the instanceId into the existing 'details' key in JSON
			js := jsonb_set(js, '{details}', (js->'details') || result_data, true);

			-- Notify the odk-events queue
			PERFORM pg_notify('odk-events', js::text);

			-- Skip pg_notify for unsupported actions & insert as normal

$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';




The Outcome

The final code repository can be found here.

The final binary is ~10MB in size, 15MB when distributed in a minimal container image, and only consumes ~5MB of memory at idle.

Of course, this uses a connection to the Postgres database (that is cycled continually to remain alive), but overall I am extremely happy with this approach of a small lightweight service to run alongside ODK.

Forum discussion around the approach can be found here

The repo issue and linked PRs related to implementation with Field-TM can be found here